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Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Tentacles: An Anthology
Tentacles: An Anthology
Smashwords Edition
Copyright Eva LeFoy 2012
Copyright D.R Larsson 2012
Copyright Haley Whitehall 2012
Cover Art by Melody Simmons
This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogue are products of the author’s
imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, is entire coincidental
Table of Contents
Title Page
Solar Pioneer by Eva LeFoy
Mr. Sweede by D.R Larsson
Zaural by Eva LeFoy
The Sacrifice by Haley Whitehall
Author Bios:
Eva LeFoy
Eva LeFoy writes and reads all kinds of science fiction, steampunk, and romance, and is a
certified Trekkie. She’s also terribly addicted to chocolate, tea, yoga and hiking. One of these
days, she’ll figure out the meaning of life, quit her day job and travel the galaxy. Until then,
she’s writing down all her weird and dirty thoughts for the sake of future explorers.
D.R Larsson
D.R. has been around the block a time or three, often in different time zones and different
centuries. He grew up in costume at a historic site and couldn’t remember if it was 1876 or
1976. Later he studied everything. Music, history, education, psychology, sociology, geology,
chemistry and anthropology, then spent 20 years as an archaeologist. Now, by day he works as a
research assistant in a high tech industry. By night, among other things, he writes. This is his first
foray into the public with his fiction.
Haley Whitehall
Haley Whitehall has been writing stories since the age of four. She has a history B.A and
normally writes gritty 19th century novels and offbeat historical romance. This is her first venture
into science fiction. It was fun and challenging. She plans on writing more cross-genre short
stories in the future.
Four short science fiction stories of tentacle monster mayhem and destruction to keep you awake
at night wondering if you’ve already been the next victim…
Solar Pioneer by Eva LeFoy
During the ten-year war, a remote scientific station on the edge of the galaxy has all but been
forgotten. Tired of the war, cruiser pilot Coop takes the mission to re-establish contact with the
team, but soon has to rescue himself from the clutches of a crazy scientist and a monster capable
of keeping alive forever his wildest nightmares. Science Fiction Horror. 6,400 words.
Leona's Review:
I did not care for it and the language did not help. Strange and uncertain what was happening. Sorry, but not my cup of tea. I give it a 1 star.
Mr. Sweede by D. R. Larsson
Through a telescope, some galaxies may not look like much, but the full spectrum of beings still
lurk within. Some live, learn and love within it. Some are travelers. Some hunt. But not all
hunters look like predators. Some look just like us. Some were our best friends. Mr. Sweede was
everyone’s best friend. Or so they thought… Science Fiction. 3,000 words
Leona's Review: Definitely science fiction. Language was fine but the story lost me. A 2 star because the language was better. I thought at the beginning of the story there would be some substance.
Zaural by Eva LaFoy
Captain Zaural Shuri is sent to respond to an emergency hail on Andvari, a colony of former
inmates, after a colonist is killed by the planet's indigenous species. Once there, she must battle
her ex-boyfriend, bizarre creatures, and her own fears to unravel the tangled web of clues before
she loses her grip on reality. As if reality was ever what it seemed.
Science Fiction with mild adult sexual content. 11,000 words.
Leona's Review: This story had a lot of action but again, not my interest. I will give it a 2 star for the imagination. Language kept it from a 3 star.
The Sacrifice by Haley Whitehall
One night Aveda, a scullery maid, is dragged out of bed by ruthless pirates and hauled on board
their ship. She fears she will be sold into slavery or worse, but their plan is even more sinister.
Down below, a monster she never imagined existed awaits the decision that will change her life
forever... Science Fiction/Historical. 2,500 words
Leona's Review: This story was one I could understand at the beginning and it ended with some humor. Not great but still deserves a 3.5 star because it was easy to read and language was fine. A very short story and quick to read.
I read these stories in the past and did not do my review so re-read it. I was not too impressed. There was a lot of imagination in the stories though.
The opinions are my own.
I do appreciate the complimentary copy from Smashwords.
Leona Olson
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